

Already Familiar With Ebook Publishing?

Here is why you will fall in love with eBookGold 3.0 and never want to use other ebook publisher software again!

  • no separate "reader" software required
    - your compiled ebooks will be self-executable and launch instantaneously, whereas with our competitors' products your customers must install special 'reader' software to view your ebooks.
  • top-notch security features
    make it virtually impossible to steal your intellectual property, while other publishers give you very limited protection and make it easy to pass on your ebooks without compensating the author... you!
  • advanced authentication
    lets you register your customers on your website, unlike our competitors that have their promos all over the place (i.e. Armand Morin's Ebook Generator)
  • no compatibility problems
    with the new Windows Service Pack 2, unlike other ebook software programs that have big firewall issues.
  • supports multimedia content
    such as Flash, AVIs, WMV and others, while our competitors -- if they at all support them -- require special code that is complicated.
  • gives you full flexibility
    - with some other ebook publishers all your pages must have .html extension and use special HTML code "target=____" for external links or they won't work. With eBookGold you don't have this problem!
  • checks for errors before your compile
    to avoid unnecessary frustration and changes back and forth - other programs don't do that.

Here is what Marlon Sanders (of Amazing Formula fame) had to say about eBookGold 3.0:

" Simon's eBookGold is making delivering our products a snap. We had BIG firewall related incompatibility issues with the new Windows Service Pack 2 and our prior vendor. Simon's program works perfectly. It also only requires 1 unlock code for a set of CDs, where our prior vendor required a separate code for each CD -- causing a lot of customer service issues. I highly recommend eBookGold. "

But don't just take Marlon's word for it - try eBookGold 3.0 today at zero risk with our 30-day money-back guarantee. You will be glad you did.


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